90 Day Transformation Challenge

Welcome to Phoenix Athletica's Family Fitness Challenge! An online support experience for families looking to get healthy and fit together! Here is what you need to know: you don't have to be a member of Phoenix Athletica to participate, nor do you have to live nearby. You can join us from anywhere in the world.
Family Fitness Challenge Dates
The Family Fitness Challenge runs from June 11th to September 2nd
Family Fitness Challenge Benefits
Here is what we will deliver to you:
Weekly coaching emails with kid-friendly recipes, tips and family challenges.
Invitation to private facebook group for daily motivation and community interaction
All of this for $10!

Welcome to Phoenix Athletica's 90 Day Transformation Challenge! The Transformation Challenge is not just about weight loss, but encompasses all types of physique changes, including body fat reduction, weight loss or muscle gain. Here is what you need to know: you don't have to be a member of Phoenix Athletica to participate, nor do you have to live nearby. You can join us from anywhere in the world.
90 Day Transformation Challenge Expectations
Here is what will be expected of you as a particpant:
You will need to weigh-in every 4 weeks (for remote participants, details will be forthcoming)
You will need to be coachable
90 Day Transformation Challenge Benefits
Here is what we will deliver to you:
Weekly coaching emails
Invitation to private facebook group for encouragment
Daily motivational texts
Nutrition tips and recipes
Access to educational resources to help you with your challenge
All of this for $20!